Larry Johnson – The "Expert"

This is priceless. Angry In the Great White North (hereinafter and for all time referred to as “Angry” – his name is way too long) comes to the defence of Charles Krauthammer (H/T Michelle Malkin). Apparently Larry Johnson, the self described terrorism expert, thought that referring to Krauthammer as “wheelchair bound” in a hit piece would somehow add to his argument. While I suggest you read the post, scroll down and check out the comment from “Nevel72”. He cites an article written by Johnson in the Summer just prior to the 9/11 attacks, wherein Johnson essentially argues that the threat of Islamic terrorism against the U.S. is a myth and that “Americans have little to fear”.

It’s hard to imagine any “expert” being more wrong about the subject matter that they profess to have superior knowlege of than Mr. Johnson. If I were him, I’d have a hard time showing my face in the local coffee shop, let alone trying to take on a heavyweight like Krauthammer.

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