Groups Join NARAL in Denouncing Roberts

The National Abortion Federation and the Feminist Majority Foundation haved joined with NARAL in their false accusations against John Roberts. Via Blogs for Bush, we find that has posted NARAL Falsely Accuses Supreme Court Nominee Roberts. Reuter’s story Abortion-rights groups demand documents on Roberts states:

The groups, which largely oppose Roberts because of his intervention in the abortion clinic case, also said senators must press Roberts on the brief he co-authored that contended that harassment aimed at women seeking abortion services did not constitute discrimination.

This is covered in full at in their rebuttal to the NARAL ad.


The brief that Roberts signed, and on which the NARAL ad is based, is from another matter entirely. It is dated April 11, 1991. Furthermore, it is from a civil lawsuit brought by abortion clinics against protesters who were blockading the clinics. Bombing was not an issue.
Supporting Anti-abortion Groups?
The ad contends that Roberts “filed court briefs supporting violent fringe groups and a convicted clinic bomber.” Indeed, Roberts’ name appears on the “friend of the court” brief in Bray v. Alexandria Women’s Health Clinic that the ad shows. But what Roberts was supporting wasn’t violence or bombing or even the behavior that was the subject of the lawsuit – blockades of clinics. In fact, Roberts went out of his way to say that the blockaders were trespassing, which is a violation of state law. What Roberts argued was that a federal anti-discrimination law couldn’t be used against abortion blockaders because they weren’t discriminating against women – they were blockading men, too.

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