Monday Morning Musings

March came in like a lamb yesterday. Beautiful blue skies, lots of sun. Only 22°F out. We’re in for a stormy end of the month.

We go back to daylight saving time this month. In fact, it’s on Sunday, March 8th. Next Sunday already!

pidaypieNo school today here in Illinois. Today is Casimir Pulaski Day. General Casimir Pulaski was a Polish General who trained our troops in the Revolutionary War. Illinois celebrates this man because Chicago contains the largest population of Poles outside of Poland itself (although Ireland is gaining a sizable population of Poles too). We all have a lot to thank General Pulaski for. His training of our troops helped us win our independence from England.cathat

Pi day is coming up on March 14. 3.14……

Today is also Dr. Seuss’ birthday!

