Monthly Archives: April 2006

The Times has a Minor "Correction"

We all know about the problems with the media reporting an error in a prominent story and then “correcting” it in some small corrections section that is rarely read. The effect is that an error has entered into the mainstream discourse, while the correction is barely noticed.

Now, check out Powerline’s reference to a NY Times “Katrina was Bush’s failure” type story. The “corrections” section noted that the number of evacuee children in the Houston area remained at just over 5,000, not 30,000 as reported, and the federal aid received in the area was 222 million dollars, not 22 million as reported.

Correcting an error that is off by a factor of ten in a story like that is like doing a story on the President being shot then putting in the corrections section that it wasn’t a bullet, but rather a small sliver, and it wasn’t his heart that was penetrated it was his big toe.

Beyond Bias

When does biased reporting become conspiracy to commit crimes against the state?

Just Wondering.

Update: Ace is on a tear, a must read today. He’s got a few posts up on the subject so just keep scrolling.

The Boys

Here’s my boys looking out the window, watching the world go by…

Siberian Husky and Cat Looking out of Screen Door

McClellan Resigns; Snow on Shortlist?

The dems will take credit for [tag]Scott McClellan[/tag]’s resignation. After all they “told” President Bush to shake up the White House Staff and Andy Card’s already been replaced by Josh Bolten.

Fox News is reporting that [tag]Tony Snow[/tag] is on the shortlist along with Dan Senor and Torie Clark.

I think Tony’d make a terrific Press Secretary. The dems probably not. I mean, Tony’s a {gasp!} conservative!

More at :
Ankle Biting Pundits
NRO’s Media Blog
Michelle Malkin
Outside the Beltway
Gateway Pundit

Roger L Simon

Update: Here’s the Scott McClellan – David Gregory exchange over Dick Cheney from February 14th.

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The San Francisco Earthquake

100 years ago today.

My family had relatives visiting in San Francisco that day. The story in the family is that they were okay, they didn’t even get hurt. They found a napkin from a hotel, wrote a letter on it to the family in Iowa, addressed it and put it in a mail box. The post office delivered the napkin even though it had no postage on it.
