**Updates below**
Blogger’s been having some problems and somebody named Sam has stolen Betsy’s URL. There is a page there called Betsy Page with one post that doesn’t say anything and two comments, one spam and one from Betsy herself.
There were two posts earlier, but one is now gone.
Blogger people – Bring back Betsy’s real page!
Michelle’s posted on it too.
Thanks for linking Lorie!
A very kind person named Duane has saved a google cache of Betsy’s page at http://helpingbetsy.blogspot.com/. At least she’ll have her old posts available…
More comments over at “Betsy Page” – Betsy you have a lot of people who are on your side!
Glenn’s posted an email from Betsy…
Update: VERY humorous blog post from Political Humor. Great laugh!
[tags]Betsy’s Page, blogging, Blogger[/tags]
12 Responses to Somebody Stole Betsy's Page!