Earle Tries End-Run, Fails

On December 19th [tag]Ronnie Earle[/tag] got court proceedings placed on hold in [tag]Tom DeLay[/tag]’s trial while Earle appeals the dismissal of the conspiracy charge.

And then he started filing subpoenas in the case.

DeLay gets court to halt, void subpoenas

A Texas appeals court Monday granted Rep. Tom DeLay’s request to stop a prosecutor from filing subpoenas in the former majority leader’s pending money laundering case.

The Third Court of Appeals panel in Austin, Texas, also said that several subpoenas issued by Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle are null and void because DeLay’s trial is on hold.

“Ronnie Earle was abusing his power and getting subpoenas issued by a court that had no jurisdiction,” said Matt Hennessy, one of DeLay’s Houston lawyers.

Hennessy said DeLay asked the court to step in after Earle issued a subpoena for his wife, Christine.

Bryan Case, director of appellate division of the Travis County district attorney’s office, said Earle’s office respects and will abide by the court’s decision.

“We have issued these subpoenas in order to be ready for trial in a timely manner,” Case said.

They issued the subpoenas to be ready for trial in a timely manner. Yeah, right. We believe you.

Earle asked for, and received, a halt in the trial so he could appeal dismissal of a charge, consequently impinging on Tom DeLay’s right to a speedy trial, and then he tried to use the time he was getting to further his “case” against Tom DeLay.

Good on the court to see it for what it was.

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