Critics Say Utah Targeting Illegal Aliens Because They Are Foreigners

The AP reports that Utah has passed a bill requiring undocumented workers illegal aliens to turn in their drivers’ licences for a “driving privilege” card. Activists are upset about this, and one “compared the legislation to the marking of Jews during the Holocaust.”

The card, according to the bill passed Wednesday by the Legislature, could not be used as identification to board a plane, open a bank account or obtain a driver’s license in another state. It would have to be renewed annually and would be a different color than Utah’s regular blue driver’s license and be printed with the words “FOR DRIVING PRIVILEGES ONLY – NOT VALID FOR IDENTIFICATION.”

Leo Bravo, of the Hispanic Center of Cache Valley in northern Utah, argues that the measure singles out undocumented workers because they are foreigners.

“I thought he would be good for the community,” said Bravo, who supported [Utah Governor Jon] Huntsman for office. “You remember the time of the Jews and Nazis? They were marked. I hope he doesn’t betray me.”

Mr. Bravo, the measure doesn’t single out illegal aliens because they’re foreigners (which, of course, they are), it singles them out because they’re illegal.

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