Daily Archives: August 21, 2008

Rezko Sentencing Hearing Set

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Rezko’s lawyers asked for an extension from September 3rd to prepare for the sentencing hearing.

A federal judge has postponed the sentencing of convicted political fund-raiser Tony Rezko by nearly two months, pushing his sentencing hearing back to Oct. 28 — one week before the presidential election.

Bringing Rezko back into the spotlight – what timing.

Welcome Hot Air readers!

Say It Really Fast

Victoria at Sundries brings this comment from a NYT article about Joe Biden. She has composed a little ditty about it.

I have composed a bumper sticker.

Obama-Biden Bumpersticker

Obama-Biden Bumpersticker

Say it really fast. What does it sound like?


Obama Biden bumper sticker 2

Obama Biden bumper sticker 2
