The Carnival of True Civil Liberties IX

We are happy to be hosting this week’s Ninth Carnival of True Civil Liberties!

das Heize at info4beer presents Locater Service for ACLU Lawyers and Can Somebody Help Us Understand dumbswede? about a comment left on the first post.

Team Swap at Swap Blog presents Oak Ridge Censorship

Daniel Levesque at Raving Conservative presents The Biggest ‘Tard in America

Jay at Stop The ACLU presents Another School Censoring Christmas

Greg Tinti at The Political Pit Bull presents A Principled Jurist

Gribbit at Gribb presents Saddam’s WMD’s They Did and Do Exist

Adam at Sophistpundit presents An Educated Jury

If you have a post that deals with how our civil liberties are being stripped away via judicial activism, Please Submit it to our Carnival!

We have a petition set up asking Congress to stop taxpayer funding for the ACLU. Stand up, and fight the ACLU. Sign the petition!

Join Stop the ACLU! If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.

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