DirecTV has designated channel 100 for Hurricane Katrina.
This will be a channel for news, information and messages. To post a message, send an email to or send a text message from your text message capable cell phone to 48433.
Information available on the Hurricane Katrina Information channel includes:
• Transportation infrastructure – road closures throughout the Gulf Coast region
• Counties/parishes in the Gulf Coast region that are able to assist evacuees
• Special needs shelters – the location and phone numbers of special needs shelters in Louisiana
• Shelter openings throughout the Gulf Coast region
• Relief agency contact information, including phone numbers for the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army and Feed the Children
• Insurance company contact information
Good for you DirecTV!
Fox News just reported an AP wire report that says that Mike Brown has resigned as Head of FEMA.
He is making the move in the “best interests of the agency and the best interests of the President”. (Via Shep Smith, Fox News)
From the Susan M. Torres Fund website comes this very sad news:
With great sadness, we are asking for your prayers for the repose of the soul of 5 week old baby Susan Ann Torres. She passed away last night after surgery for a perforated intestine. Please include in your prayers a request for the peace and comfort of her family, especially Jason Torres, who has had a very difficult past several months.
Via Michelle Malkin
Our prayers are with the family. Baby Susan and Mommy Susan are now together in heaven.
President Bush’s Remarks During Tour of New Orleans
Just a snippet – but I thought these remarks were worth it.
Reporter1: Mr. President, we, there is a belief here after two weeks on the ground that FEMA let the people here on the ground down and perhaps in turn people could get evidence of what it’s done to your popularity and perhaps FEMA. Do you think that your management style {couldn’t hear} in this particular scenario let you down…
President Bush: Look there’ll be plenty of time to play the blame game. That’s what you’re trying to do.
Reporter1: No, I’m trying to…
President Bush: You’re trying to say somebody’s at fault. Look. And I want to know. I want to know exactly what went on and how it went on. And we’ll continually assess inside my administration. I sent Mike Chertoff down here to make an assessment of how best to do the job. He made a decision. I accepted his decision. But we’re moving on. We’re going to solve these problems and there’ll be ample time for people to take a look back and see the facts. Now, as far as my own personal popularity goes, I don’t make decisions based upon polls. I hope the American people appreciate that. You can’t make difficult decisions if you have to take a poll. It’s been my style ever since I’ve been the President. And of course I rely upon good people. Course, you’ve got to as the President of the United States. You set the space, you set the strategy, you hold people to account. But, yeah, I’m relying upon good people. That’s why Admiral Allen is here. He’s a good man, he can do the job. That’s why General Honore is here. And so when I come into a briefing I don’t tell them what to do, they tell me the facts on the ground and my question to them is, ‘Do you have what you need?’
Reporter2: Did they misinform you when you said that no one anticipated the breach of the levies?
President Bush: No, what I was referring to was this: When that storm came by, a lot of people said we dodged a bullet. When that storm came through at first people said ‘Whew.’ There’s a sense of relaxation. That’s what I was referring to. I, myself, thought that we had dodged a bullet. You know why? Because I was listening to people, probably over the airwaves, that said the bullet has been dodged. That’s what I was referring to. Of course there were plans in case a levee had been breached. There was a sense of relaxation at a moment, a critical moment. Thank you for giving me a chance to clarify that.
The President was then asked about where he was when he learned of the breaches.
President Bush went to say that he had signed the emergency orders prior to the storm hitting.
As our family celebrates the birth of our new daughter, I thought it fitting to post a special remembrance to the young children who died at the hands of the terrorists on 9/11. I urge you to read this article by Michelle Malkin entitled “Angels on loan from God” written in December 2001.