Monday Morning Musings

Today is mammogram day (kind of appropos the day after Mothers’ Day) so while I’m being squeezed until I pop enjoy some morning links:

Yesterday Betsy brought us a story about the Benefits of Tort Reform, visible in Haley Barbour’s Mississippi; today she brings us disturbing news of a bill that could deprive public safety workers of their right to not join a union, a bill that could force unionization.

David Bernstein at The Volokh Conspiracy comments on Obama On Lebanon.

Warner Todd Huston at Stop the ACLU notes the Chicago Sun Times declaring Obama “Our first woman president.”

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Henry Hager!

Jenna Henry Wedding

Hubby and I just celebrated our tenth anniversary on Friday. We were married on the day before Mothers’ Day as well. We wish the Hagers all the best!

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