In fact, I’ll be at the polls at 6 am, right when they open. Hubby needs to catch a train at 6:25 and we were able to accomplish both on Primary day last March.
Mom isn’t happy with one of our GOP candidates, but I persuaded her that undervoting or voting for a write-in or the third party candidate will be a vote for the Democrat.
Laura Lee has a couple of very good reasons not to sit this one out.
Captain Ed says:
When people are dissatisfied with an incumbent in their own party, the time to address that is the primary.
He is so right.
Another reason: “Speaker” Pelosi (or as Don Surber notes: President Pelosi? Go read his column for the explanation) Update: The Anchoress says no way Hillary will allow it!
Update: Kim at Wizbang! links to Tony Blankley’s column about sitting out the election…
Apparently, these anticipated conservative non-voters are annoyed with Republican imperfection. They are disheartened, disappointed, disillusioned, distempered, and dismal — and thus plan to dis the party that better advances conservative principles in government.
They appear to have fallen victim to the false syllogism: 1) Something must be done; 2) not voting is something; therefore, 3) I will not vote. Of course the fallacy of the syllogism is that the second category could be anything. For example, No. 2 could as well read “eating dog excrement is something.”
I rather suspect that they will feel about the same afterward, whether they chose the non-voting option or the scatological one. They are both equally illogical — and repulsive — and would deserve the moniker “Stupid.”
Go read the rest and Kim’s post at Wizbang!
Vote GOP November 7th
Vote GOP November 7th
Dafydd at Big Lizards explores the possibilities of the Cloak of Invisibility.