Daily Archives: November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Today we’ll be going to my sister’s house for the family Thanksgiving gathering. Because there are so many people there (and because it’s at someone else’s house) there won’t be any leftovers. My personal tradition is to cook a “Leftover Thanksgiving Dinner” on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Today, my sister will do the cooking, tomorrow it will be me.
mmm skin
mmmmm skin…..

We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;
he chastens and hastens his will to make known;
the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing:
sing praise to his Name, he forgets not his own.

Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining,
ordaining, maintaining his kingdom divine;
so from the beginning the fight we were winning:
thou, Lord, wast at our side: all glory be thine!

We all do extol thee, thou leader triumphant,
and pray that thou still our defender wilt be.
Let thy congregation escape tribulation:
thy Name be ever praised! O Lord, make us free!

Words: Nederlandtsche Gedenckclanck, 1626;
trans. Theodore Baker, 1894.

Music: Kremser
