Here in mid-western Canada the change of seasons is a dramatic metamorphosis. The rise in temperature produces an odd and very brief combination of warm sunshine with snow still on the ground. Our frozen world is quickly melting away, the landscape changing before our eyes. Three foot icicles dangle from the edge of my roof, created by the alternating periods of freezing at night and thawing during the day. Hundreds of miniature streams sprout everywhere, giving passage for melting snow to find lower ground.
Signs of life increase exponentially. The very old, the very young, and those in between who didn’t prefer the benefits of our outdoor winter wonderland, leave their protective cocoons. Our neighborhood is teaming with life again. Children prematurely bring out their bikes, braving the patches of ice and snow still on the roads. They leave their coats and jackets unzipped (OK I do it too) even though it is still quite cool, as if to taunt winter away. With each passing day more birds return from their winter hibernation.
Spring will leave us as quickly as it came. The period of premature unzipping of jackets will be soon followed by the premature wearing of shorts and then summer will be here. It all happens so fast. But change is good. Life is good.