This is Attempted Terrorism – updated

I say attempted because I don’t think it’ll work.

Terrorism: Use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Terror: 1. state of intense fear; 2c. a cause of anxiety; worry. Synonym see Fear
Terror: 4. violence (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands

definitions from

Sure, this isn’t killing kids, or beheading hostages, but it is still attempted terrorism. These people are attempting to scare people as a means of coercion.

Protestors Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters in Orlando (via ByrdDroppings)
New Photos: Shots Fired Into Knox Bush/Cheney Headquarters
Republican Campaign Signs Vandalized
Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush/Cheney Supporter’s Lawn
Wanted: Attackers of Campaign Signs
Laptops Stolen from Bush Campaign Office
Here We Go Again – Political Sign Theft, Vandalism on Rise
Vandals Target GOP Campaign Signs
Vandals Hit GOP Office in North Central Wisconsin

Update: The Kerry Spot has more…

The Duluth, Minn story in the Kerry Spot post has this (emphasis mine):

“It was not an act of hate,” said Dustin “Dusty” Dzuck, 17,
a senior at Denfeld High School. “My mom called me a terrorist.
It wasn’t terrorism; it was activism. It was for a cause
The whole thing is, basically, I just wanted to get the word out there
that in my opinion Bush isn’t doing this country any good.”

His mom was right.

Dusty – Over three thousand people died on September 11th for a cause. People are being taken hostage and beheaded for a cause. And the MSM just doesn’t help by labeling these terrorists as anything but.

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