musing minds

Bill Frist on the Senate Floor

In response to Democratic suggestion that “non-controversial” judges hit the floor first:
Senator Frist on the Senate Floor:

Mr. President as always we will take into consideration all suggestions and be happy to talk to the leadership on both sides of the aisle as to whether that suggestion is the most appropriate way. We have engaged in negotiations in attempts to satisfy both sides for the over the last really four months, five months since these unprecedented filibusters came before this body after 214 years of a threshold of fifty votes, all of a sudden the last congress it was radically changed by the last congress to become 60 votes denying the sort of people like a little bit what we’ve heard over the last few minutes, trying to move to a qualified nominee, Priscilla Owen, and we hear these attempts to delay even right now and to sidetrack and consider somebody else, and that’s the challenge. That’s why we’re on the floor of the United States Senate, with the light of day, with the American people watching at this point to take it to the body of the United States Senate and ask that fundamental question. Is Priscilla Owen out of the mainstream? Eighty-four percent of Texans think she’s in the mainstream, are eighty-four percent of Texans out of the mainstream? And if the answer to that question is no, they’re not out of the mainstream, then all we want is a vote, an up or down vote. Accept, reject, confirm, yes, no. That’s all that we’re asking for. We don’t want the Constitutional Option. We didn’t ask for the Constitutional option. What has happened, because of the other side of the aisle in shattering the Senate tradition for 214 years where filibuster was never even contemplated, now it’s being used on a routine basis. One out of every four of the President’s nominees that have come over for the circuit courts are filibustered, blocked. Not given that responsibility or given that courtesy of a vote, when it’s our responsibility to give advice and consent. So in response to my good friend Democratic leader, yes, let’s consider, as proposals come forward, we’ll consider all the two leaders spent 50 minutes as the papers reported today talking with people who are trying to come to some reasonable conclusion and we’ll continue to do that. I’d be happy to consider another idea. I think what’s important now though is to come to the floor of the United States Senate. Let’s shed light on this, let’s do take this, yes it’s an inside the Senate decision, and we make our traditions and rules, but it is important for the American people to see. Is Priscilla Owen, is Janice Rogers Brown, deserving of a vote, yes or no, on the floor of the United States Senate. So what I would recommend is that we continue discussions, but let’s proceed with this nominee, continue debate over the course of the day and it may take a day, it may take two days, and let’s answer that question. Is she qualified, does she deserve an up or down vote?

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Hallway Blogging

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. (A la Anchoress, I’ll put this posting in the “it’s all about me, me, me” category). We’ve just started our family vacation, I woke up at an ungodly hour (something I tend to do in hotels for some reason) so I’ve scampered outside with my laptop to do some blogging. Is wireless cool or what? Just got this fancy shmancy new laptop and I’m amazed that you can get connected pretty much anywhere these days. Ahhhh precious laptop, giver of serenity, conveyer of information, like a life raft in an ideologically hostile ocean………sorry where was I, drifted off into computing bliss for a second there.

Life’s been a little crazy for the Jeff1999 household. Mrs. 1999 is in her sixth month of pregnancy….so well… know…..let’s just say I’ve got my Mr. Attentive hat on pretty much all the time now, which means blogging is going to be a little lighter for awhile. Being the organized family that we are we’ve also just realized that we need to accomodate the baby and so we’ve bought a new house. Again, being the organized family that we are, we’ve apparantly just realized that we now need to sell our house. It’s a good housing market where we live, but it’s kind of scary owning two houses when you’re nowhere near stinking rich.

I find myself selling our house’s great features to almost everyone I talk to as if they are a potetential buyer:

grocery clerk: would you like that double bagged sir?

Jeff: Sure. We’ll need plenty of bags, we’re moving……..yup it’s going to be hard giving up that house…..sure is a beauty….. we’re moving cuz we need more space, not because there’s anything wrong with it….(nervous laughter) say, are you in the market…..

grocery clerk: I’m only sixteen years old sir.

Jeff: Of course, of course ……………………………… do your parent’s like where they’re living?

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Bye Bye Harry?

From NRO’s Byron York:

Harry Reid is going to fillibuster Henry Saad, a nominee for a seat on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. “Henry Saad would have been fillibustered anyway,” Reid said. “He’s one of those nominees. All you need to do is have a member go upstairs and look at his confidential report from the FBI and I think we would all agree there is a problem there.”

From Ankle Biting Pundits:

Senate rule 29, Section 5 outlines the punishment for such stupidity:
“Any Senator, officer, or employee of the Senate who shall disclose the secret or confidential business or proceedings of the Senate, including the business and proceedings of the committees, subcommittees, and offices of the Senate, shall be liable, if a Senator, to suffer expulsion from the body; and if an officer or employee, to dismissal from the service of the Senate, and to punishment for contempt.”

From Lorie Byrd at Polipundit:

Senator Harry Reid has made some outrageous statements since becoming Senate Minority Leader, but his latest reference to the contents of confidential FBI files may take the cake. When are Republicans going to borrow one of the only successful pages from the Democratic playbook and make an organized and concerted effort (I know, “organized” and “concerted” are words not contained in the GOP playbook) to call attention to the very “radical” and “extreme” statements and methods of Harry Reid?

Michelle Malkin says:

The Senate Minority Leader has what we call in our house “diarrhea of the mouth.

The Captain says:

Worse than that, he has now floated a non-specific charge of malfeasance against Henry Saad against which Saad cannot defend. Saad himself cannot review his file, which contains anything anyone ever said about him to the FBI during his background check, regardless of whether it was true or not. Even those few Republicans who have defended judicial nominees against Reid’s normal smears of “extremism” cannot offer defenses based on the FBI file, because to do so would be to break the same security clearance regulations Reid did in making this statement.

Dirty Harry at Jackson’s Junction says:

It should be interesting to see how this plays in the media. Had a Republican done this the liberal media would be out trying to embarrass and discredit him. They would be asking for separate confirmation from other Republicans hoping it wouldn’t come. In other words: doing their job.

Will they do that to Reid? I’ll let you know when the monkeys start flying out of my butt.

Go read ’em all…

Does the Governor of Nevada (Kenny Guinn [R]) appoint a replacement senator?

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Unfunded Mandates

Real ID (from Wired News)

The National Governors Association is threatening lawsuits to fight the legislation. And some states are threatening to ignore the legislation because they say it will cost up to $700 million for states to comply and will place a heavy burden on Department of Motor Vehicles workers.

A spokeswoman for the governors’ association did not return calls for comment. But Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a Republican, told the Associated Press this week that “if more than half of the governors agree we’re not going down without a fight on this, Congress will have to consider changing” the rules.

The states are complaining that this is an “unfunded mandate” and it will cost too much and be too much work. What about all the unfunded mandates that the states impose on their citizenry? If I want to drive my vehicle, I must register it with the state at a cost (in Illinois, this year) of $78.00 ($98.00 if it’s late). The state does not give me any aid with this. I must fund the total cost myself. In my town, if I want to build a fence around my yard, I am mandated to purchase a building permit prior to construction of the fence. I do not get any help with that either. I am also mandated to maintain my yard. I must pay for the lawnmower to keep the yard down to a certain level. If I do not, the town will send out a crew and bill me for cutting the lawn. No help there either. There are probably many more examples of “unfunded mandates” imposed on the citizenry out there. Glass houses.

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Hobbs Confesses to Killling Best Friends

From the Chicago Tribune:

Bond was denied today for a 34-year-old Zion man who allegedly admitted he punched his daughter because she refused to come home with him, punched her friend who came to her aid then repeatedly stabbed the children, killing them.

“Laura had 20 stab wounds. She was stabbed in the neck, she was stabbed in the abdomen, she was stabbed once in each eye,” Pavletic said.

One thrust went so deep into Laura’s neck, the knife struck the child’s spine, he said.

“Krystal had also been stabbed, 11 times,” the prosecutor said. “She had been stabbed in the neck and stabbed in the abdomen as well.”

In a statement to investigators, Hobbs allegedly admitted being angry that Laura’s mother was supposedly letting the child off easily for having taken a small amount of money from her last week. He said he went looking for her between 4:30 and 7 p.m. Sunday and found the child and her friend in a wooded area north of Beulah Park in north suburban Zion, Pavletic said.

Hobbs ordered his daughter to come home with him, the prosecutor said. When Laura refused, he allegedly punched her at least twice, knocking her down. When Krystal came to her friend’s aid, Hobbs allegedly punched her, too.

The defendant told investigators Krystal pulled what the suspect called a “potato knife”—believed to be Texas slang for a small knife with a blade 4- to 6-inches long, Pavletic said.

Hobbs allegedly said he grabbed the knife, killed the youngsters and dragged their bodies to a wooded area of Beulah Park. Their bodies later were found, faces beaten and bloodied, lying side by side with their shoes neatly placed next to them. Hobbs then went home, got alcohol and tried to clean himself off, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors were skeptical a young girl would have been carrying a weapon or that either child posed a physical threat to Hobbs.

“This guy is approximately 6 feet 1, and you’re talking about 8- or 9-year-old girls,” Lake County State’s Atty. Michael Waller said.

Under questioning, the man eventually admitted killing the children, giving investigators an oral confession and a videotaped and written statement, prosecutors said.

Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Forever – Mr Hobbs Charged?
Father is being charged in deaths of best friends
Hobbs Confesses to Killing Best Friends

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Father is being charged in deaths of best friends

Jerry Branton Hobbs is being charged in the deaths of his daughter and her best friend. The Lake County States’ Attorney Michael Waller will be able to give more details tomorrow after the bond hearing at 10 am CDT in the Lake County Courthouse, courtroom 120. They will introduce evidence at the hearing and can then reveal that evidence to the press.

The States’ Attorney said:

This horrific crime has terrorized and traumatized the Zion community and, I think it’s safe to say, people of good will everywhere. The arrest today is the first step in the process of bringing this defendant to justice. As you may be aware, this defendant is eligible for the death penalty. I’ve been the States’ Attorney in Lake County for 15 years and I have a protocol that I follow. I’ve found that its not a good practice to make such a decision in the heat of the moment and we will make that decision after the investigation into this case is completed and after we do a thorough background investigation into this defendant. And its important for me to make the point that this investigation is continuing. The reason we’re holding this press conference today is obviously because of the great interest and the need to keep the public informed, but also to try to bring some sense of relief to the people of Zion that this defendant is in custody.

Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Forever – Mr Hobbs Charged?
Father is being charged in deaths of best friends
Hobbs Confesses to Killing Best Friends

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ACLU Goes Overboard on Real ID

The ACLU has a little “movie” about how just awful Real ID will be. Why, your local Pizza Place will know every little thing about you….

Video here.

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Best Friends Forever – Mr Hobbs charged?

The father of one of the victims, the one that found the children’s bodies, may be charged with the murders of the best friends, his own daughter and her friend. He was recently released from prison in Texas for aggravated assault.

From WFLD Fox-Chicago:

“Jerry just got out of prison for aggravated assault and I think they’re holding that against him,” Hollabaugh said. “I don’t think he did it.”

Hobbs has an extensive criminal history dating back to 1990 in Texas, including prior arrests for assault and resisting arrest, according to records kept by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Records also show Hobbs had a rocky relationship with Laura’s mother, Sheila Hollabaugh. Hobbs had been arrested in 2001 after arguing with her, grabbing a chainsaw and chasing other residents around the trailer park where they lived, according to Wichita County Assistant District Attorney Rick Mahler. Someone eventually subdued Hobbs by hitting him in the back with a shovel, Mahler said.

Hobbs was convicted of aggravated assault and sentenced to 10 years probation for the incident, but he failed to appear for his required meetings, so his probation was revoked in 2003 and he was imprisoned until his release on April 12, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Best Friends Forever
Best Friends Forever – Mr Hobbs Charged?
Father is being charged in deaths of best friends
Hobbs Confesses to Killing Best Friends

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