Remember back when the Fairness Doctrine ruled and for every editorial opinion on the evening news there was also an editorial response? And remember when both of those had a disclaimer saying something like “The views expressed in the preceding/following are not necessarily the views of this station.”
Now Samantha Power, formerly one of Barack Obama’s foreign policy advisors, tells the Scotsman that Hillary Clinton is a monster (off the record). As it was in the middle of the interview, the Scotsman decided to print it anyway.
Then she apologizes including this statement:
These comments do not reflect my feelings about Sen. Clinton, whose leadership and public service I have long admired.
And I wonder how what she said doesn’t reflect what she feels. It seems a little contradictory.
So taking the old Fairness Doctrine type disclaimer and the apparent contradiction in what Samantha Power said and what Samantha Power said, I came up with a new disclaimer:
The Samantha Power Editorial Disclaimer
The views expressed in this weblog are not necessarily those of the author.
She’s now resigned as well.