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Ann Althouse is photo- and video-blogging her vacation in Austin. This is an interesting looking place.

The Anchoress points us to an essay by CBS’s Dick Meyers about “the scolds” and discusses Terrorism on Ten Speeds in San Francisco. I am so glad this “ride” did not occur when we were there last summer.

Basil serves up hot links every day.

Beldar discusses the difference between “bought” and “sought”.

Betsy discusses the advantages of being in the last two years of the second term of the presidency. The NYT title of the linked article? Bush Defies Democrats with Recess Appointments. Didn’t the Democrats first defy Bush by refusing to consider his nominees? Reading further into the article, the Times concedes that recess appointments are indeed allowed by the constitution and noted that:

The Bush administration withdrew Mr. Fox’s nomination for the ambassadorship on March 28, after it became clear that Democratic senators were lining up against him to settle a score.
