Carnival of True Civil Liberties

Stop the ACLU is starting a new Carnival of True Civil Liberties

Here’s the ground rules.

  • #1. Post must be original material, no crosspost copy and paste stuff. It must be anti-ACLU in nature, or having to do with our civil liberties that are being stripped away via judicial activism.
  • #2. All posts must be submitted. You submit the URL of your post, the trackback URL, the name of your blog, and the title of your post. You can submit them by emailing them to or using Conservative Cat’s Submission Form.
  • #3. All submissions will be due on Friday by 9 p.m. and the carnival will be hosted on Mondays each week.
  • #4. The usual, no profanity or invocation of violence. All submissions will be subject to the discretion of the hosting blog.
  • #5. It is highly encouraged for the blogs that participate to make a post pointing to the host of the carnival on the day of the carnival.

Submit something or just peruse…
