Fox News reports that Judge Greer’s stay has been extended until 5 pm eastern, Friday, February 25th so that he can have more time to review the case.
They also report that the Florida Department of Children and Families is asking to become involved.
Michael’s attorney is calling it an affront to the court and that it’s injecting politics into the court system.
Read it all here.
Update: The family’s website is currently down because of unusually high traffic. They have posted the following there.
The Schindler family are encouraged at the outcome of today’s hearing before Judge Greer and are overwhelmed at the public outpouring of care and concern being shown to them and their daughter, Terri Schiavo.The Schindler family also welcomes the involvement of Florida’s Department of Children and Families (the state’s health and human services agency) in their investigation into serious and detailed allegations of abuse and to ensure that appropriate care and treatment of Terri and patients like her is being delivered.We ask that you please continue to think and pray for them and for Judge Greer as he takes this matter under advisement. Terri’s life and the lives of many disabled, elderly and vulnerable people in Florida hang in the balance.
Welcome PoliPundit, La Shawn Barber, Pajama Hadin, House of the Dog Readers.
Hat-Tip to La Shawn for this link to Matt Margolis’ post on Living Wills.
Hat-Tip to Michelle Malkin for this link to ProlifeBlogs Terri Aggregator.
For the past several years we’ve been hearing a lot about the “Arab Street.” Old media reported as if the terrorists’ and thugs’ views were representative of all Arabs. But a funny thing happened on the way to democracy. The Arab Street started to be redefined to actually include, well, the whole street rather than just that bad house at the end occupied by the radical minority.
The Afganistan and Iraq votes were the first eye openers, but it continues with Lebanon. Below I questioned whether there’s any doubt Bush’s policies have spurred on the freedom movement in Lebanon as well. Read for yourself, from the Washington Post:
Jumblatt dresses like an ex-hippie, in jeans and loafers, but he maintains the exquisite manners of a Lebanese aristocrat. Over the years, I’ve often heard him denouncing the United States and Israel, but these days, in the aftermath of Hariri’s death, he’s sounding almost like a neoconservative. He says he’s determined to defy the Syrians until their troops leave Lebanon and the Lahoud government is replaced.
“It’s strange for me to say it, but this process of change has started because of the American invasion of Iraq,” explains Jumblatt. “I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, 8 million of them, it was the start of a new Arab world.” Jumblatt says this spark of democratic revolt is spreading. “The Syrian people, the Egyptian people, all say that something is changing. The Berlin Wall has fallen. We can see it.”
Emphasis mine.
UPDATE: The Belmont Club has a good roundup of the world community starting to jump on board Bush’s policies. Having courage and faith in your convictions and being right about it seems to yield a fair bit of international political capital.
UPDATE 2: The Anchoress has a related story out of the Middle East from The Daily Star. In this opinion piece Rami G. Khouri talks about the effects of democracy in Iraq on the rest of the region. Go read her, then go read the rest. (kimsch)
UPDATE 3: Welcome Daou Report readers.