Terri Schiavo

Please pray for Terri and her family as they come to a crux in the legal situation.

Her husband has been fighting to end her life for the past eight years stating her wish not to continue living in these circumstances. He will not divorce her. He lives with another woman and their children.

Terri’s parents are willing and able to care for her. They do not believe her husband’s claim that she said she would rather not go on.

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation

Update: Fox News reports that the appeals court has cleared the way for Michael Schiavo to get his way… Please pray for Terri.

The Miami-Herald has the story here. The judge issued an emergency stay until 5 pm tomorrow to allow a scheduled hearing to be held.

Update 2: Fox News just reported that the stay has been extended until 5 pm Friday, February 25th. Keep praying.

Remember, make your wishes (for end of life and organ donation) known in writing and verbally to as many family members as you can.

On my father’s death, the only organs that were suitable for donation were his corneas. Two people can see because of him.

Welcome La Shawn Barber and Anchoress readers! – Please look around and Jeff has posted on this too – just above, please click on home.

hat tip: Musing Minds reader Jeanette
