Hillary: "Not in America's Interest for Freedom and Democracy to Fail" (in Iraq)

Hillary (the “Hawk”) Clinton is on Meet the Press as she continues her move to the center of the political spectrum. She’s in Iraq on another “fact finding” mission. A pretty clever move I’d say. Rather than being perceived as accepting Bush’s position on staying the course in Iraq, she’s saying that she’s being told by the Iraqis themselves that we need to stay.

UPDATE: She also just refused to “rule in or rule out” military intervention in Iran. Am I alone in thinking that Hillary’s move to the center might make Bush’s second term foreign policy moves easier to accomplish?
UPDATE II: Russert shamelessly campaigns for Hillary asking Sen. McCain “Do you think Senator Clinton would make a good president in ’08?” Hillary was giggling like a little girl opening a Christmas present and of course McCain who’s sitting right beside her has no choice but to say yes.

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