Monday Morning Musings

served up in the afternoon in the Central and Eastern time zones today…

Mr. Right has a funny photoshop here.

Ann Althouse has an interesting question on a recent Gallup poll.

Ed at Hot Air asks, “Did Iran concoct election results before the election?

We had a busy weekend. Saturday at Six Flags went beautifully. It rained all morning so we went at 1 pm and there were no lines even though the rain had stopped. It was an amazing Saturday. We got to ride so many rides. The guys had no lines for the rides they love, Superman, Batman, Dark Knight, Iron Wolf, Viper, Demon, Whizzer… Even the smaller rides had no lines. Straight on the bumper cars. Amazing. Sunday was a day at the Forest Preserve for a cousin’s high school graduation party. The day was sunny and upper 70’s, lovely weather. Kites were flown, hot dogs were eaten, fun was had by all.
