Birthdays and Books to read again and again – Updated

Michelle Malkin notes that today is C.S. Lewis’ birthday. He was born November 29th, 1898.

Hugh Hewitt is asking for novels that have been read at least twice. Topping my list are those by C.S. Lewis. The Space Trilogy – Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra and That Hideous Strength (I just took these three out of the library on Thursday Wednesday to re-read for the umpteenth time). We also can’t omit The Chronicles of Narnia (I own the seven book series).

Hugh mentions The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien and I would add The Hobbit and The Father Christmas Letters (letters that Tolkien wrote from Santa to his son Christopher).

In a previous posting here I highly recommend the series of historical novels by Edward Rutherfurd; Sarum, London, Russka, The Forest and Dublin.

Other authors whose books I’ve re-read: Robert Heinlein, Phillip Jose Farmer, Father Andrew Greeley, Robert Jordan, Katherine Kurtz, Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, and Piers Anthony.

Of course there are also the children’s books that I’ve read over and over to my children (the ones that you can know by heart)… The Velveteen Rabbit, The Polar Express, Green Eggs and Ham, Mouse, Look Out!, but they aren’t novels…

Update: Welcome visitors from Hugh Hewitt. Please feel free to list your re-reads in the comments.
Thanks Hugh!

Update: I have added another post with more books to re-read.
