A beautiful Christmas song:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1oHJR2g7TwMary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you’ve delivered
Will soon deliver you
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little baby
You’ve kissed the face of God
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
The dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the lamb
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heaven’s perfect lamb?
This sleeping child you’re holding
Is the great I AM
(buddy greene, mark lowry)
It came upon a midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harp of gold
Peace on earth, good will to men
From heaven’s all gracious King
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing
Still through the cloven skies they come
With peaceful wings unfurled
And still their heavenly music floats
O’er all the weary world
Above its sad and lowly plains
They bend on hovering wing
And ever o’er its Babel sounds
The blessed angels sing
For lo! The days are hastening on
By prophet barbs foretold
When with the ever circling years
Comes round the age of gold
When peace shall overall the earth
Its ancient splendors fling
And the whole world send back the song
Which now the angels sing.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus You Are Much Too Fat
The Little Drummer Boy
Joy To The World
I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
O Come All Ye Faithful
We Three Kings
O Holy Night
Angels We Have Heard on High, Gloria
Carol of the Bells/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
White Christmas