Kate tagged me with a meme (thanks Kate 😮 ). I’m going to leech off Kate’s for ideas.
Eight things you may not know about me.
1. Kate and a few others know this, but most don’t: I finally got my bachelor’s degree in Business/eBusiness one month ago! Hooray! And I’m starting the MBA program next week.
2. I don’t do video games that take a lot of quick hand/eye coordination. I am no good at racing games for instance. I have Civilization 4 and can generally go through to the end of a game, but I haven’t gotten out of the easiest levels. I don’t play often. Other games I like are Zuma, JewelQuest, QBs, stuff like that.
3. I put in my own brick patio last year. Hubby helped with the digging and cutting some of the final bricks, but I did all the rest.
4. I bought paint last year to paint the shed and I still haven’t cracked open the cans.
5. I’ve been designing and making crocheted purses and earrings and have them for sale at Hannah Rose (see ad in the left sidebar).
6. Kate’s never had a pet die of old age, I’ve had one die of old age a cat at 17, a cat at 10 of kidney failure, a cat at 13 of liver cancer, a young cat who died miscarrying a litter of kittens (very sad), two dogs and two cats who were hit by cars, and one dog who was given to us and subsequently given back… Currently we have three cats and two dogs.
7. I love to read books, but I have found that in the past 14 months since I quit smoking I haven’t been reading as much. You see, I would take a book outside on the front porch to read while I smoked a cigarette or two or more…. Now that I’m not smoking, I’m not reading as much. I need to do something about that.
8. Little Guy and I have joined the Library’s summer reading club. The theme this year is mysteries. He has to read 15 books, I only have to read 5. He could win a new bike. I could win an ipod like machine (some other brand).
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