Easy Spaghetti Dinner

International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day is coming up and I’ll be posting and linking to recipes from now until then. Here’s the third.

IEATAPETA (March 15) Recipe 3

Today we’d been shopping and I needed something that was really easy and fast to put together so we picked up a jar of spaghetti sauce (tomato and basil), a pound of ground beef (pork or sausage would do as well), and a loaf of garlic bread. I already had some bucatini noodles at home. Because of the garlic bread, I cut down on the amount of pasta.

Brown the meat while you’re preheating the oven to heat the garlic bread and cooking the pasta. Add the jarred pasta sauce to the browned meat, add the drained pasta to the sauce, mix it up, serve with the garlic bread and enjoy!
