Brain-Dead Woman's Pregnancy Maintained

URL: Brain-Dead Woman’s Pregnancy Maintained

A brain-dead woman is being kept on life support in hopes that her 21-week-old fetus survives, and the woman’s husband said he is certain that’s what she would have wanted.

Jason Torres said doctors believe the fetus could have a chance if Susan Torres lives another month and her cancer stays away from her uterus.

He said he decided to keep his wife on life support when doctors at Virginia Hospital Center offered him the chance to disconnect the machines after concluding she would not recover.

I have told my husband and family that if I am ever pregnant and brain-dead, as this woman is, I would definitely want to be kept alive under these very circumstances.

The baby is far enough along to have this be a viable option, to have the mother, the natural incubator, continue to function in this capacity.

She may be gone, but there is another life here that may well be able to continue on. This life would be lost were the artificial life support turned off.
