Freedom of Choice

Over at The Corner, K.J. Lopez has a post with a survey from NARAL showing that 80% of respondents say that pharmacists should not be able to refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control based on their religious beliefs.

Should pharmacists who personally oppose birth control for religious reasons be able to refuse to sell birth control pills to women who have a prescription for them, or should pharmacists not be able to refuse to sell birth control pills?

Should be able to refuse ………………………..16
Should NOT be able to refuse……………….80
(Don’t know)………………………………………….4

The problem that I have with this, as well as IL Gov Blagojevich’s emergency rule to require pharmacists to supply “birth control” to patients with prescriptions is that they are including “Morning After” prescriptions. I believe that the complaint in Illinois that precipitated Gov Blagojevich’s action was that a pharmacist wouldn’t fill a prescription for “Morning After” pills. “Morning After” pills are meant to terminate a possible pregnancy right in its tracks. Birth Control pills are meant to prevent ovulation, thereby preventing conception in the first place. Lumping “Morning After” pills in with contraception is incredibly misleading. “Morning After” pills are an abortificant, not contraception. Why don’t they try their question again, worded this way:

Should pharmacists who personally oppose abortion for religious reasons be able to refuse to sell “morning after” pills to women who have a prescription for them, or should pharmacists not be able to refuse to sell “Morning After” pills?

There are plenty of pharmacists and pharmacies across the US. If one won’t fill your prescription, go to another. Free market. Doctor’s offices are also capable of stocking and filling prescriptions right in the office. Don’t force pharmacists to fill prescriptions that they would rather not.

Addendum: But, of course, to NARAL abortion is birth control. I mean, you’re controlling whether or not someone is born, no?
