musing minds

Re the NYT story on "what did they know…"

Prestopundit has post regarding this: Two mindsets, crystallized.

The money quote, for me is:

RICE: George, the fact is that what you know today can affect what you do tomorrow, but not what you did yesterday.

John Kerry needs to get this thought “seared, seared” into his brain.

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Letters to the editor

In reading the Chicago Tribune’s letters to the editor this weekend, one really stood out:

Shane Willmon Published October 3, 2004
Gurnee — Before the debate, one
candidate talked to hurricane victims and
one candidate got a manicure.
For me, the debate is over.

I agree.

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Kerry in Hampton, NH UPDATED

John Kerry said Monday that President Bush has sacrificed hopes for disease cures offered by stem cell research to “extreme right-wing ideology.”

This is from an ABC report.

Does John Kerry realize that George Bush is the first president to publically fund stem cell research? Sure, it’s limited to those lines created before Aug 9, 2001, but only public funding. There are no limits to privately funded research on any lines (even those created after Aug 9, 2001).

Once again, he’s using fear tactics.

Captain Ed has more.

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Give Iran Nuclear Fuel

John Kerry wants to give Iran nuclear material. From the debate: “I think the United States should have offered the opportunity to provide the nuclear fuel, test them, see whether or not they were actually looking for it for peaceful purposes. If they weren’t willing to work a deal, then we could have put sanctions together. The president did nothing.”

This is like leaving a four year old in the kitchen with a full cookie jar in reach. “Don’t eat any of the cookies, little one.” Come back in a hour and see the evidence of oreos all over his face and then impose “sanctions”. Most parents will make sure the cookie jar is out of reach so there will be no need to “test” to see if he will eat or not eat the cookies.

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Debate – first thought

I was trying to get my reading in for my first class and then I had a dental appointment so I haven’t had a lot of time to think about the debate yet. My first thought about the debate: Kerry held off in entering the stage just enough that he made Bush walk further to meet him. He also tried to keep Bush next to him longer than Bush wanted to be there.

I’ll have further thoughts after I re-read the transcript and look around a little to see what others are saying. Hugh Hewitt is going to have a symposium on the debate.

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FOX News Fisks the CBS/Draft Story

I’ve been watching FOX News today (sorry – can’t find a link) and every hour they’ve been running a thorough fisking of the draft story. They even got Charlie Rangel to admit that the legislation was intended to stir things up.

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They say a picture can paint a thousand words.

Sometimes, though, it only takes a few words to paint a picture.

Pumpkin Face Kerry.

There. I’m sure every one of you saw a picture in your mind. Many of you chose one of the numerous still images of Presidential Candidate Kerry with his orange face. Maybe some of you saw John Kerry with a large, round, Jack-o-Lantern on his shoulders. Some maybe saw a jack-o-lantern with a shape more in keeping with the shape of John Kerry’s actual face.

As we go into the debate tonight, let’s remember that just a few words can paint a picture.

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