
Yesterday we went out shopping to get a few things. Trader Joe’s for some Two Buck Chuck, Irish Breakfast Tea and some vanilla beans.The Container Store is almost next door to that Trader Joe’s so we went in to check out the Lego storage units. We ended up with one of the Large Boxes and a Large Boy Head.

Then we went to Walmart for some other items and back home until it was time for dinner and Cub Scouts. After Cub Scouts we went to Dairy Queen for a treat.

Sometime later last evening I got up and I had a lot of pain in my right leg below the knee. Somehow during the day I must have twisted it some way. It still hurt later in the day and even overnight. It’s still hurting this morning. I have to be careful when changing direction because twisting the leg increases the pain. It’s amazing how many times you just twist to change direction during the course of a day. You don’t notice until there’s pain accompanying the movement…
