Monthly Archives: May 2011

Memorial Day

We remember all those service members who sacrificed their lives while in service to our country.

We commend them.


click to embiggen


click to embiggen

At least Google did do something

Sumi Round-up

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Dane County Judge Strikes Down Collective Bargaining Law

Ann Althouse: Judge Sumi strikes down the Wisconsin collective bargaining law.

Professor Jacobson: Judge Sumi Throws Out Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law

The Ruling (.pdf) Dane Co. Exec. Parisi: Statement on Judge Sumi Ruling nullifying collective bargaining changes

Adler at Volokh: Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Bill Struck Down

Big Government: Liberal Judge Nixes Wisconsin’s New Labor Law

More from – SEIU Wisconsin: Palmer on Judge Sumi’s Ruling

Court Concurs with Public’s View That Walker Was Too Autocratic, Illegally Denied Wisconsinites a Voice in Debate over Workers’ Rights

After months of occupying the state Capitol Wisconsinites were denied “a voice in Debate over Workers’ Rights?” Really?

Actually seems more like Court concurs with Unions’ View…

Hot Air: Breaking: Judge Sumi strikes down Walker PEU reform law

Idol Poll

So, who do you think will be the final two on Idol this season?

Will it be the two younger, country singers Lauren and Scotty?

Will it be deep voiced Scotty and smoky Haley?

Or will it be the girls, Haley and Lauren?


Who will be the final two on Idol?
Lauren and Scotty
Scotty and Haley
Haley and Lauren free polls


The tulips are blooming!


Hot Links

The Anchoress has some great pictures from Rome.

I can has cheezburger wishes us Happy Mother’s Day with an adorable picture:

Happy Mothers' Day

Jim Geraghty on tonight’s debate and its timing.

Professor Jacobson tells us about Nuns’ ballots being thrown out in the Wisconsin Supreme Court recount.

Walter Olson brings us a story about replacing little used ADA sidewalk ramps with new ones that will be as little used as the old ones are, all at taxpayer cost.
