And absolutely wonderful. We went to the matinee yesterday at the Cadillac Palace theater downtown Chicago. Roger Bart was Fredrick Frankenstein (Fronkensteen). Ann Horak with legs that don’t quit was a wonderful Inga. Joanna Glushak (Frau Blucher), Cory English (Igor), Brad Oscar (Colonel Kemp and the Hermit), and Beth Curry (Elizabeth) were all also outstanding in their performances.
All the best lines from the movie were present in the play along with some great new songs, Roll in the Hay, He Vas my Boyfriend, and The Transylvania Mania along with Putting on the Ritz from the movie.
I’d recommend this play to anyone and I’m looking forward to Mel Brooks doing a movie of this musical like he did with The Producers (hint, hint).
I own DVD copies of both versions of The Producers and I saw the play on its third performance, first matinee at the same theater.
*** I received no compensation or consideration for this review. I paid for the tickets myself. ***
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